•Manage connected devices, disconnect any device at the touch of a button, and set Internet access priorities. The Default Huawei HG8245 Router Username is: telecomadmin; The Default Huawei HG8245 Router Password is . Login to your Huawei HG8245Q router. For this, I am using . Cadastre-se e oferte em trabalhos gratuitamente. EchoLife EG8145V5. Figure 2-4 Ports and buttons on the side cover of the HG8245H Table 2-2 Description of ports and buttons on the side cover of the HG8245H Port/Button Function Reset Indicates the reset button. Huawei Routers. If the Account and/or Password did not work then we recommend trying some Click Images to Large View Huawei Hg8245h Remote Access. Looks like Huawei uses the same encryption key on the configs for all routers and according to a Spanish language forum it was present in a file on the router /etc/wap/aes_string.. Next, enter your username and password. Huawei FTTH GPON ONT HG8245H, You can get more details about from mobile site on m.alibaba.com Create a port forward entry. Used And New Fiber Optical Modem Huawei Hg8245h Gpon Xpon ... Cara Login Modem IndiHome ZTE F609 / F660 - Kali ini saya mau bahas soal modem IndiHome ZTE F609, berbeda dengan model dan merek modem IndiHome yang pernah saya bahas sebelumnya.. Di setiap daerah plasa telkom IndiHome memberikan layanan seperti sewa STB / modem yang berbeda-beda, biasanya merek yang digunakan ada Huawei, ZTE ataupun TP-Link (Sepertinya untuk merek TP-Link sudah jarang . Cashback. Port forwarding is used in scenarios where you want to access a networked device or service connected to the internet from a remote location. How to onfigure MA Address Filtering to Prevent Unauthorized Network Access on Huawei . It provides 4 GE+2 POTS+1 USB+1 WiFi (4 GE ports, 2 POTS ports, 1 USB port and 1 2.4G WiFi port). Berikut ini caranya : Reset modem IndiHome. Navigate to the port forwarding section. Share USB Drive from Wi-Fi Router. Press the Enter key on your keyboard. This has resulted in Huawei becoming one of the leading manufacturers of both wired and wireless routers. After someone else having luck with an HG8245H, I gave it a shot. Port Forword , Access Localhost From Anywhere , port ... Sebetulnya penggunaaan port forwarding di Indihome banyak sekali, semisal untuk mail server, vpn,remote access. The service includes support for the following: Desktop and Notebook PCs, Wired and Wireless Routers, Modems, Printers, Scanners, Fax Machines, USB devices and Sound Cards The EG8245H5 supports the 802.11b/g/n frequency band and ensures an excellent experience with voice, Internet and HD video services. Click the Forward Rules link. Kota Medan Maidany Store. Having Trouble with the Huawei Username and Password. support.huawei.com. Enter the following DNS servers: Технические характеристики модема Huawei Echolife Hg8245h 256m. The default Huawei HG8245 IP Address is: Huawei Hg8245h Thai News Collections. A firewall by design blocks incoming connections. You WILL have to only create two, the HTTP PORT & TCP PORT.Once completed be sure to save the configuration and now let's check to see if our external is now connected to our internal with this two ports. A: An iPad cannot be used to perform a firmware upgrade, or update or download the Huawei HG8245H configuration file. If no login screen shows up, try finding the correct IP address for your router by Searching for your router. Step 3. The Huawei EchoLife HG8245H is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. Cara reset modem Huawei tidak ada bedanya dengan merek ZTE diatas. It uses the GPON technology to implement ultra-broadband access for users. Cara Setting Lan Indihome Huawei Hg8245h Red Books. The standard address of the router's config is Navigate to the port forwarding section. Disable WAN-side HTTP and Telnet access. Step 1. Allow remote management on remote locationHttp, Ftp,SSH, and telnet Bạn cũng cần có bản hợp đồng cáp quang để biết Username và Pw cài đặt cho router kết nối với nhà mạng như . HG8245H Product Description Issue 01 Date 2013-05-20 HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. Issue 01 (2013-05-20) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential . Huawei HG8245 backdoor and remote access. The Huawei EchoLife HG8245Q is a routing-type ONT in the Huawei all-optical access solution. 2. ( 84) Tambah ke Wishlist. Click Images to Large View Технические характеристики модема Huawei Echolife Hg8245h 256m. The basic process to open a port is: Setup a static IP address on either your computer or device that you want to forward a port to. Essentially data is intercepted and redirected from one computer to another. Pada tutorial sebelumnya yang berjudul Membuat Hotspot untuk Voucheran di Mikrotik . Screenshot of Huawei HG8245. Click on Port Mapping Configuration. For routers that feature self-adaptive ports, you do not need to distinguish between WAN and LAN ports. It uses the GPON technology to implement ultra-broadband access for users. Enter the IP into your browser and pressing enter. The high forwarding performance ensures the user experience of . After the ONT login operations are complete, disable remote access control in a timely manner. Some routers called it Remote Access and it's usually found under Advanced Settings. Navigate to LAN > DHCP Server Configuration. saat menjalankan . The EchoLife EG8245H5 is a intelligent routing-type Optical Network Terminal (ONT) in the Huawei FTTH solution. Was looking at your guide for the Huawei HG8247H modem and gaining admin access. Check Enable DHCP L2Relay (May be labeled as just DHCP Relay) Step 4. Pada materi kali ini saya akan membahas kasus yang paling sering di jumpai oleh para admin jaringan khususnya yang berlangganan internet dari Telkom (Indihome) tentu anda sudah tidak asing lagi dengan provider tersebut, namun sangat di sayangkan jika kita berlangganan pada .
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